Yes, I have completed my Marathon....
15th May 2010 marks my rebirth with a fresh new life. I am sure I can, and I will live it to the fullest and cherish what I have even more.
On this very special day, I wish to thank my family and relatives, who have been with me and providing me with the best of everything. Friends and colleagues who have given my moral support, and being there for me whenever I needed.
Also, thanks to my Surgeon, Dr Yong Wei Sean, who operated on me. My Oncologist, Dr Koo Wen Hsin, who I am very comfortable with, and will attend to me at any time when I was doing my Chemotherapy. Radiation Doctor, Dr Chua Ee Tong, who is a person of little words, but with confidence. And last but not least, the Radiation Therapist, who have attended to me faithfully for the last 30 days.....